Tuesday, May 5, 2009

News from the front.

I haven't added a personal update for a while. Then again, I'm not sure how many people actually read this thing. For those of you who check back regularly, I would like to inform you that things have recently started to look up in an unusually positive direction. Apart from cramming research and last-minute schoolwork into the past couple weeks, and attempting to finish at least three comic strips per week, I happened to have spontaneously met a really incredible girl with whom certain sparks have started to fly.
You see I met her last year while I was filming a concert, then ran into her again when she came into Media Services to make copies. We reintroduced ourselves and then after a mishap where I tried to walk her through fixing a broken key on her laptop, she returned to the office where I talked to her once again. The next day she decided to meet me at the diner, and the day after she met me at the coffeehouse and hung out at Brookview for a while. On Saturday I skipped Sam's birthday party to come back to Danbury and see her. She spent the night and into the early afternoon Sunday, which was equally awesome. Then Sunday night I picked her up and we came back to Brookview and watched Big Lebowski (she's a fan. epic bonus points.) Last night we hung out again until about 2:00 in the morning, just watching ridiculous Adult Swim shows.
I don't think I've ever really felt this comfortable with someone this quickly. I'm pretty sure that's a good thing.
When I'm done with this semester, I'll be desperately searching for employment, which inevitably will fuel more inspiration for the much put-off story, "Things that Get in the Way," that you all have loved so very much.
Hopefully this semester ends on a good note, and hopefully I don't mess things up with the girl this time. Things are looking pretty good so far. Hopefully I can keep this academic and personal momentum going. Wish me luck. Fuck that. Wish me success.