Thursday, September 17, 2009


So I'm sitting in my Introduction to Ethical Theory course (I told you I'd be blagging everywhere).
Anyway, today we're talking about Immanuel Kant (German philosopher 1724-1804) and his moral philosophy.
Now, Kant had to write three complete works to fully describe his moral philosophy. It is manifested in five separate formulations, two of which deal with complex ideas such as God and the nature of autonomy and freedom. I've talked to Munz about Kant several times, and he told me it's a widely accepted professorial rule that if you're going to teach Kant, to dedicate the bulk of, if not your entire semester on him, because it is extremely difficult to cover all of Kant's ethical theories in a standard college semester.
So imagine my surprise when I saw on the syllabus that we were spending but a single class on it. And we're not learning from reading Kant, but Barbara MacKinnon's short summary of his theory.
I've done a significant amount of reading on Kant, so I came into this class with some background knowledge that the majority of people had not. I can't imagine how mind-boggling some of this stuff must be to people who are taking this class as a simple elective.
I don't know. Maybe I'm over-analyzing, but I'm pretty sure Munz is right on this one.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Character walks alone.
His hair gathers rain.
His feet splash in time.
Bag over his shoulder.
He couldn't afford shoes.
He couldn't afford Shakespeare,
So Mephistopheles calls his name
through torn, tattered pages of Faust,
stained yellow with age,
from inside the bag.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Drug Blag

Love the world around you. If you can't love it as it is, try it on drugs. The good drugs either grow from the ground or were made by humans to enhance our experiences. The bad drugs do the same for a while, but end up killing us. Stick with the good, and you'll love the world until you die. Go with the bad, and you'll go the way of Dee Dee Ramone (RIP). You'll love the world until you hate it, then you'll hate yourself, and then you'll die because of your dumb choice to go with the bad drugs.


Well, this is my first blag entry from my new HP Mini 110. 160GB hard drive, 2GB of DDR2 SDRAM, 1.67Ghz Intel Atom processor.
And it's operating system is the Mi, built on...
Linux 2.6.24-22-lpia!!!
GNOME 2.22.3!!!

Needless to say, I'm quite pleased with its performance so far. The desktop environment and window managers are based upon Ubuntu LInux and designed to be web-based. My email, browser/search engine, web bookmarks, media, and program launchers are all integrated on the desktop.
They said this model had the command prompt disabled, but I went ahead and set one up anyway (WIN).

Anyway, this blag entry will consist of an update of my fall 2009 semester so far. Things are going pretty well over here. I'm taking Ancient Philosophy, Ethical Isues in Healthcare, Ethical Theory, Intermediate Algebra (FAIL), and a fitness combo of a lecture and tennis/basketball. I blow at tennis, but I'm decent at basketball and I rule at lectures, so it's not bad. My academic workload is relatively light, and I set up an independent study, "Philosophy of Language," with Jim Munz. Apart from that I'm working mostly night hours, which is fine. The coffeehouse is going great so far. The last three performers have been absolutely incredible (Natalie Gelman, Ali Chambliss, and Mieka Pauley).
Sara and I are also doing quite well. We spent the whole summer together and now we're spending the semester together. It's great waking up every day to that smiling face. Win.

Well, I'll be back on more often now that I can take my blag with me everywhere I go.
Peace, bitches.