Friday, February 8, 2008

Another thought.

There's a certain bent pleasure in knowing that so many people take Human experience for granted. They turn it into a wanton motion, that flails all around, leaving a violent trail of slime and hate, and disgust, and fear all across their existence. It's comforting to know what that is, because it gives me the ability to gain awareness and take pains NOT to participate in that sick sideshow of wasted consciousness.The scum that is Human Interaction is coming home to roost...and where will you be when its flacid bulk, bloated with the empty calories of millions upon millions of misused, misrepresented, and misconstrued concepts, comes crashing down onto you with a thunderous 'flop', and a sickly pale sheen.I don't know for sure, but I think it's about time we have contingency plans for that day, because I'll see it ahead of time and get out of the way... but the rest of you... I don't know if your attention span will allow you to look up for just that one fraction of a second that would be necessary to spot the shadow growing above you...and the next thing you know, I'll hear that joyous 'splat', and there will be room to breathe a psychic sigh of relief again. All of that tainted, pathetic, fumbling of expression, and groping at connecting with anything that will allow it...anything besides oneself, naturally. Maybe I'm one of the doomed, slow moving, slugs, or incoherent, unaware fools that will be caught under that loathesome, clammy flab...but if I know me, I doubt it.I know that you're all too cool to be interested in what I say, so just light up another cigarette and wave it off as if it were nothing, which is all that it is anyway, right? I bet you're too cool to have to look up too, huh... well, we'll find out some day I guess. But unlike the majority, I posess both, the fortitude, and the patience to wait and see.I'll just scavenge the scraps of meat that squeeze out from the impact.

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