Thursday, April 30, 2009


I wake up at seven in the morning after passing out at five and shuffle out of the door. It's a decent post-sunrise gleam. I sit by the railroad tracks and reflect over the decisions I've made so far. It's funny how inspiration can come from so many things. A contention I've become content with as of now...

Inspiration is finding an old fiend at a gas station.
Inspiration is driving to somewhere you could have easily walked to.
Inspiration is walking to a place that you could have easily driven to.
It's seeing a kid you used to hate back in high school and becoming fast friends.
It's protesting a political ideology that you actually support, just to spark conversation with people you'd usually avoid.
It's the first big fight in a marriage.
It's finding an old notebook scribbled with the names of bands you don't listen to anymore.
It's drunken fools on a weeknight.
Inspiration is writing outside on a bench at 4:30 in the morning when you know you have class at 10:00.
Inspiration is constantly being the good friend, because you're horrible at making the first move.
Inspiration is a relationship gone sour after keeping it for too long.
Inspiration is love on the rocks and a chaser of Hendrick's gin.
Inspiration is chain-smoking when you know that $7.50 a pack is way too expensive.
It's wearing the same shoes you wore seven years ago.
Inspiration is using a cheap, low-quality pen to write with, because it's what you wrote with back in high school.It's beer runs after 2:00 in the morning.
It's "standing" in the fire-lane while your friend runs in to grab money for booze.
It's praying when you know you've lost your faith.
It's playing an instrument you don't know how to play, just to kill time on a boring afternoon.
It's throwing back a few cold ones at work with a buddy, because there are no cameras in your refrigerator-equipped office.
Consequently, it's showing up to work still hazy from the top-secret drinking excursion.
It's mocking religion for no good reason.
It's staring at blank pages because you hate constantly using the backspace key.
Inspiration is researching discrete mathematics because you will do anything to avoid writing that 10-page journal critique.
It's listening to the same goddamn song over and over because of that one guitar riff.

Inspiration can come from anywhere. It can sneak up on you. So be ready. You'll never know what you can create.

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