Monday, July 5, 2010

i think i'm back

for the first time since new orleans, i'm starting to feel like writing again. i've been a janitor, nonetheless, for a couple of weeks now. sick stuff. drunk hillbillies and their fat, unhealthy offspring have horrible aim. their rank waste however, is not subject to the same treatment as themselves and the other valued guests. i can go up to every piece of shit i see and say, "i hate you!" without fearing punishment, and the shits themselves don't have the necessary biological composition to argue with or annoy me.
on the crowded days i am actually saved from performing the filthy tasks by long lines of valued guests waiting in agony to heir their disgusting grievances with already soiled toilets. no way in fugginell are they going to let me waste their precious time with my foolish notions of cleanliness and sanitation.
on the other hand, there are days where i'm showered with thank yous and smiles from orderly and benevolent humans who wait for me to finish my job, and who always seem to have an idea about what it's like to clean up shit for a living. very few stupid questions. 
on a bad day, when someone asks me if i like my job, i want to look them dead in the eye and say with passionate conviction, "i love it. i fuggin love cleaning up shit. your shit, your kids' shit. everybody's shit. see that guy there? i love cleaning his shit too. it's what gets me up in the morning. i live for it," just to see their reaction. they'd either be confused, disturbed, or deeply amused. and those who would be deeply amused are the people i'd like to hang out with. thankfully, most of the people i work with in housekeeping are those types of people.

so yeah, i guess i like my shitty job. as much as it can offend and sicken me, i seem to work in a small community of people who have the both the same sense of humor about the job as i do, based on the same contempt for the job as i do.

it's going to be a long, gross, summer.

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