Monday, April 21, 2008


Recently, I had a revelation, or at least something that I like to call a revelation even though it probably isn't and sounds nothing like one.

Oldfriends/Weekends - On Saturday Kevin and I packed up some gear and went fishing. First in the Farmington River and then Birch Pond. We caught nothing, save for two small Sunnies, but either way it was one of the best days I've had in a while. That night, Kevin, Tim, and I all cruised up our new recording spot and getaway up on Bantam Lake with a few beers and some instruments. Sunday morning Kevin and I went fishing again, this time in a canoe. We shoved that sucker off shore and paddled around until about 10:30, still not catching much of anything.
But it was so much fun, more fun than I've had in quite a while.
I never liked fishing as an adolescent, even though I would go all of the time with my dad and brothers as a child. For some reason it's so much more fun when you're out on the lake in a canoe with an Old Friend, throwing a few casts out and reeling in nothing.

Newfriends/Bookends - On Thursday I met someone new. Not in the romantic sense, for now at least, but the Platonic. Her name is Jess. We met by chance outside of my building and ended up talking about everything in the broad spectrum of conversation. Book, films, music, love, romance, life, education, experience, all of it. We talked for about four hours and it was probably the best Platonic interpersonal experience I've ever had. Onj the last note, Keri and I are working our way back to being close friends again, which is great. So that's the end of that book that took two years for us to write. Now we're starting a new one, and I can't wait to find out what happens. So maybe the right title would have been Newfriends/Bookends/Bookbeginnings. Too bad Bookbeginnings isn't a fucking word.

So that's my revelation, and go pound sand if you don't like it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fall 2008

I registered for classes yesterday.

PSY 202 Principles of Research in Psychology
PSY 205 Social Psychology
PHI 102 Introduction to Logic
PHI 222 Philosophy of Science
ENV 134 Extraterrestrial Environmental Intelligence (lab science)
ENG 106W Introduction to Writing Fiction

I also got into a 300-level course, ENG 315 Critical Theory, but I'm not sure if I'm going to take it just yet.
Fuck it, it's a good list of classes. Whatever happens happens.
I'm planning on taking a shitload of philosophy and literature courses. If that boots me out of the Psychology program, then fuck it. I'll do a contract Philosophy major.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Conflict Resolution 101

Here we are again. I'm sitting in my cramped basement office and I can hear the two over-the-hill maintenence workers having shamelessly rough sex in the boiler room. Janitors fuck like champs, apparently.
I laugh, but somewhere in that laugh there is a sign of some sick desperation that just pleads for someone to get me the fuck out of here.
But there are some things that have been going positive lately. I've finally picked up and moved on from dwelling on Keri. It's amazing that after two years it hasn't seemed to have affected either one of us very much. Maybe that's the friendship thing already working. Our ability to patch things up easily is just carrying over. I'm not going to say that I was glad when the relationship ended, but I'm also not going to say that I was thrown into some sort of existential funk over it. It was two fantastic years with hardly a single fight, so I guess it was bound to end at some point. Couples that hardly ever fight never last. They're always better off as friends.
I guess I've never believed wholeheartedly that there is someone out there for everyone. But I believe that there is someone out there that will come along and have a profound impact on who you are And for me, that was Keri. In the long run, I don't know what's going to happen with her and I. If we don't end up together, then it was neither of our faults. It was just something that had to happen. I don't really believe in fate, but I'm pretty sure that it exists in some form or another.
What I really want is for Keri and I to be happy in whatever way that we can. If that means just being close friends and being with other people, then who am I to fuck with that? If someone else can make her happy, then it's not my place to fuck that up. Nor would I want to.
I know that the last thing I want is to become one of those jealous, possessive ex-boyfriends that try to get all involved in the rebound relationships of their exes. I wasn't jealous or possessive when Keri and I were together and I sure as hell am not about to start with that shit now.
I hope this other guy is a good guy; a nice guy. I hope he's someone that can care for her and make her happy. I hope he's someone that knows, like I did, how lucky he is to have her.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Re: A letter to 06810, by Meg Ford

In order to find someone that even closely resembles a decent human being, one would have to travel miles outside of the wretched, barren womb that is Danbury, CT. I didn't want to believe it at first, but we are, in fact, in Hell, and the people here are already dead.
What I really want to know is, where are all of the interesting, intelligent people that I was told would be here? Where is the eclectic, personal learning environment that I was promised?
The pale gray purgatory of the downtown area alone reeks a hybrid of smog and the viscous, milky residue of a meat-packing plant.
Danbury, your sullen streets and the almost omnipotently toxic makeup of your air has injected me with just enough supercharged nihilism to fill a veritable encyclopedia, although you are not nearly worth the words or the effort involved in doing so.