Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Re: A letter to 06810, by Meg Ford

In order to find someone that even closely resembles a decent human being, one would have to travel miles outside of the wretched, barren womb that is Danbury, CT. I didn't want to believe it at first, but we are, in fact, in Hell, and the people here are already dead.
What I really want to know is, where are all of the interesting, intelligent people that I was told would be here? Where is the eclectic, personal learning environment that I was promised?
The pale gray purgatory of the downtown area alone reeks a hybrid of smog and the viscous, milky residue of a meat-packing plant.
Danbury, your sullen streets and the almost omnipotently toxic makeup of your air has injected me with just enough supercharged nihilism to fill a veritable encyclopedia, although you are not nearly worth the words or the effort involved in doing so.

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