Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I can still get a large coffee and a pack of American Spirits for under $10, and I'm pretty sure I just aced my fitness exam, so life is good. Now it's on to tennis and then work, where hopefully I'll get my Ethics work done. And I'll hang out with Sara in between. Life is good.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Good/Funny sh*t I've said/thought/heard/read recently

So a while ago I saw this guy using a leaf-blower. I turned to Sara and said, "That guy blows."

"The grass is always greener on the other side, but there is no other side, so stop complaining about the grass."

I want to take somebody's giant blow-up lawn decorations and place them on the front step facing the door in the middle of the night, so come morning when they leave for work, there's a tremendous pumpkin glaring eerily at them from outside.

"The surface of the earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. Recently we've waded a little way out, and the water seems inviting." - Carl Sagan

"There's a huge difference between thinking about something and actually doing it. Try to choose appropriately." - viruscomix

Fucking Australian animals. They would have four dicks.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I have done a surprisingly light amount of work so far, but that is simply because I haven't yet received a heavy amount of work. I'm summarizing chapters for Ethical Theory, reading and awaiting my midterm assignment for Healthcare Ethics, awaiting my rough draft notes for the Zeno paper in Ancient Philosophy, reading Chomsky for Philosophy of Language, plugging away at the ALEKS system for algebra, and not studying for my HPX exam, which is next week. I am working on getting my Tunxis credits transfered, but first I had to verify that my grades were right (everyone makes mistakes).

I'm pretty much the only person that hangs out in my apartment that hasn't gotten sick. Even Sara has a little bit of a cold. But me? Nothing. I blame marijuana and orange juice.

I'm finishing about two comics a week, which, interestingly enough, is exactly as much fun as it sounds. But seriously, form and dialogue are coming to me so naturally now that I am finishing full final drafts by hand without ndoing rough sketches. It's interesting to watch my own artistic progress first hand while my academic progress is pretty much static (not a bad thing, actually).
Comics are: Here

I've been redditing more frequently, which has actually made me more productive in all of my areas of study.

Sara and I are well. She's been able to not only make me feel good about myself, but make me feel like my choices and plans in both life and academia are worthwhile. NO-one's ever been able to encourage me like she does. It's great. I love her, too. I mean, I really do. I've never felt like this before and it freaks me out sometimes, but it's fucking incredible. I wake up next to her every day and it feels like there was never and never will be anyone but her.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Miscommunication and people sucking at debate.

Apparently it's debate day in my Ethical Theory class. I vaguely remember being separated into groups to prepare for debating an ethical issue, but I don't remember hearing anything more from my professor or my assigned group about it. I think everybody is in the same boat as I am, because when Gomes called for "Group 1" to go up and debate in front of the class, everyone was confused as to who the hell "Group 1" was. At least now I know that I need to get in touch with my group members and prepare for next week. Miscommunication has never paid off more.
So the group is talking about abortion and one thing is for certain: these people suck at debating. They're using speculative statistics and personal opinion. It's "life begins at birth vs. life begins at conception," "I read this, 'studies' show," and all that other bland garbage that debate coaches instruct you to stay away from. It's kind of funny.

Wish you were here,

PL Munn